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Google Ads (Google Adwords) for Small Businesses

Written by Anthony Baxter | Mar 28, 2021 8:35:00 PM

Trying to promote products and services while competing with super store giants like Amazon and The Warehouse is often a very daunting idea for small businesses. But the great news is that Google Ads can help even the smallest of businesses and get your products in front of the right people to help you build your brand. Bigger brands may still have the biggest advantage when it comes to PPC, but with great Google Ads your business will not go unnoticed. Even if you have a small budget, AdWords can help your business get impressions, clicks and sales through Google when done well.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads, or Google Ads, is Google's advertising service where businesses and advertisers pay to have websites ranked at the top of a search results page, based on the specific keywords that they purchase. Google Ads works as a pay-per-click (PPC) system that displays brief advertisements, product listings, and service offerings which are “sponsored links” within the Google ad network to web users.

How Google Ads can help your business

Are Google Ads worth it? In short, definitely. Online advertising allows businesses to target ads to the specific type of customers you want for your business, while filtering out those you don't. It allows your business to connect with customers no matter where they are - whether they are on their computers, mobile phones, tablets, even in apps. When you use Google Ads to advertise your business online, you can use different targeting methods to reach new potential customers in those exact moments when they're searching for your products or services. This can help your business achieve great new results, increased awareness, improved sales while doing it in a smart and effective way. PPC campaigns are designed for immediate results. And can be easily measured and tracked, which means they can be easily rolled out, continually updated and ever-changing depending on your businesses needs and goals.

Small business Google Ads budget

What are the costs of Google Ads for a small business? With Google Ads, you're completely in charge of the online advertising costs. As this is a PPC structure you are able to determine what you want your budget to be and will never pay more than your monthly budget cap, while also having the ability to stop any time. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad and goes to your website, which means you are only paying for results. You are able to base your bids on whatever keywords are best for your business. So for a small business Google Ads are a great option as an advertising tool in order to gain the most out of every cent spent. 

But Google Ads are a complicated tool, which when done right can warrant very strong results, however when done wrong marketers can be put off for life. Managing and optimising a high performing campaign involves a high level of skill, constantly upskilling, keeping up with all the new updates, features and best practises, constant testing, iteration and of course – time that is required to be invested. “Set and forget” campaigns simply won’t work which is why you need a dedicated Google AdWords company to do the heavy lifting for you while you focus on your business and do what you do best. And that is where we come in! 

Firefly is one of few Google premier partners in New Zealand with experience working with over one hundred industries across all areas in New Zealand including Auckland, Christchurch, and Hamilton. We build, manage and optimise campaigns that will help your business to outperform your competitors. At Firefly, we offer a range of different services across Google shopping, display advertising and remarketing. So if you are ready to take your business to the next level, give us a call today on 0800 448 971.