Firefly Blog

Entrepreneurial Marketing - A Proactive Approach

Written by Anthony Baxter | Jun 13, 2018 8:20:00 PM

As a serial entrepreneur, the challenge of taking a concept, developing a strategy and building a brand has dominated my professional life. It is my all consuming passion and offers challenges and opportunities daily.

So, what is entrepreneurial marketing? It’s more about a marketing spirit than a marketing strategy. It allows small businesses to compete on a global scale where limited resources can create maximum impact for start-up businesses. It involves innovation, risk taking and proactive application and can provide greater flexibility and unorthodox approaches suited to the very nature of start-ups and small businesses.

Here are five Digital Marketing Strategies to help your business grow.

Create a Goal:

Start with a solid goal. You want your business to grow. This may be customer growth, staying ahead of competition or stronger brand awareness. Precision and strategy only strengthens your digital marketing which needs clear goal focus.

The Marketing Funnel:

Your marketing funnel is developed in four parts: Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.

An effective funnel will help generate leads, build repeat business and improve the overall experience for your prospective customers.

Call to Action:

If you don’t create a call to action, you don’t deserve the sale.  A good call to action will be attention grabbing and absorbing, helping the potential customer to engage in your business.  A call to action may be an image or text that prompts online activity such as direction to landing pages, newsletter subscription, direct contact or purchase.

Effective Lead Magnet:

The offer. Use offers to secure greater information about a potential client and the service or product they want. Pull them into your funnel at the same time. An example would be a free download that requires the individual to complete a form providing you with more information. This increases the interaction between the prospect and your business.

Driving Traffic:

Your marketing needs traffic. Through quality content, strong keyword strategy, better Website optimisation and increased social media engagement, will improve your online marketing strategy hugely.

So, if you want your business to grow, digital marketing is the place to start and entrepreneurial marketing is the place to go.

Glen Baxter.